Friday, September 24, 2010

My Vidya Collection

Not really anything too exciting, just wanted to post pictures of the various video game consoles and games I've collected from friends, work, and just around.

First up: NES, SNES, N64, GCN, Wii, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Dreamcast, Xbox, PS1, PS2

Next: 360 and PS3

Last: Games for various systems


  1. I see that Scott Pilgrim stuff, and like every other thing. What's your favorite genre?

  2. I love me some RPGs, action-adventure... pretty much anything other than sports games.

    Not heavily into shooters, but FPS can be loads of fun sometimes.

  3. i wish I had a collection like that :(

  4. No handhelds? No game boy color, SP, advance, etc? sadface

  5. Ah, sorry, I didn't include the handhelds... all of what you mentioned, plus DS, PSP, Pocket aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... Micro.

  6. A mighty fine collection.

    I was so sad when my parents told me they had sold/given away my SNES game collection...

    Any D2D gamelists, ie Steam or GoG?

  7. Wow man that's awesome. I wish I had my room all for myself (and the money) so I could have all my cool stuff piled up.

  8. Damn, mine pales in comparison.

  9. And I thought my shelves were overstuffed..

    Commentin', Followin', Supportin'

  10. Oh man, I remember having every single one of those systems except for the XBox and PS3. I kept selling them to get the next best thing, and now I regret it :\

    Anyway, interesting stuff. Followed and now I'm interested in your stuff!

  11. Damn man! That's a pretty sweet setup you have.

    I wish I owned that many games... but I'm mainly a PC gamer, anyway, so it all evens out. ;]

  12. Very, very impressive. You've made this girl quite jelly. I game very casually, but I've been making more of an effort to improve my skills and broaden my horizons. I tend to stick to RPGs, but I'm working on changing that!

  13. Do you also play/own older games?

  14. Aww hell yeah, love the DreamCast collection.

  15. Wow, i thought I had a god collection of games....Love nostalga....I;ll be following you for sure....I do some interesting LIFE HACKS...Check it out...

  16. I'll give you $5 for that Dane Cook poster in the first picture.
    Awesome collection. I have like all the same Wii games as you, hahaa.
    Also, Scott Pilgrim=awesome! (I'm assuming you're a Scott Pilgrim fan because you have the books).

  17. Take that Amy! You should learn from an early age you don't belong in math class, you belong in the kitchen. Go bake me a pie.
